Care Tips

Just follow these few steps to help your flowers last longer.

  • Carefully remove the wrapping paper around the bouquet and cut 2 to 3cm off the end of stems. Making a clean cut at an angle will get you a better result. Place flowers into a vase with clean water immediately.
  • Change water every 2 days, do not wait until water turns yellow, cloudy or even becoming smelly before changing. Re-cutting the stems if necessary to keep flowers hydrated and continue to bloom.
  • The flowers will last longer if they live in a cool temperature, kept away from direct sunlight, heat, drafts and even ripe fruits.
  • Remove any foliage that sits below the water level and any faded blooms to keep your flowers looking fresh longer.


Orchid indoor plant care tips

  • Water—– Over watering is the most common way to kill orchids. To avoid giving your plant too much water, always lift the pot first to check if it feels heavy. Water only when it feels light. If the roots are green, that means there’s still some water, no need to water it, until they look silvery. Alternatively, poke your finger into the soil, water it only when it is dry. Give small amount of water but still let it drain well.
  • Sunlight—- Orchids require shallow planting. They prefer bright, indirect light. Insufficient light results in poor flowering. However too much light can lead to leaf scorch.
  • Humidity—- Create humidity by spraying the leaves and roots if the environment is dry. If you notice stunted growth, falling flower buds, brown tipped leaves and twisted flowers, increase your misting.


Succulent plant care tips

  • Most varieties need at least half a day to a full day of sunlight. In extremely hot areas some afternoon shade is recommended.
  • Succulents don’t like wet feet, make sure to drain well after you do watering thoroughly.

Succulents are very hardy and easy to grow in Sydney’s climate. Just enjoy them.